


Unit 8 – FMP – Final Post

I haven’t kept up with these posts like I should be but this is it, the final post for this project.

So lets start from after the last post, I got all the equipment I needed and even some of it got delivered early which was a relief as some was due to be delivered on 7th/8th of this month, so a few days before the deadline and that made me panic that I wouldn’t be finished in time. But I am, all I needed I got in time and I got it all filmed.

Over the last few weeks there has been plenty ups and downs, more downs that ups with this project. But it’s eventually got to this point, it’s all done and completed. My main idea got scrapped and the new ideas just got added to, it was all a lot of experimenting and a lot of shots.

The editing process: 

The editing process was okay… it was all going okay. But then there were issues. The clips along with the song, proved to be too much for the program, so it kept freezing, like continuously freezing, some clips wouldn’t even play on the program. So that was a pain but I was working through it. Then whilst on Youtube a few days ago I saw a video and I was like instantly obsessed with the song, so I downloaded the song, edited to it. That editing was finished in 2 days. The only problem was, that the program kept crashing whenever I tried to render. Due to that sony vegas told me I needed an update, but that lead to me getting locked out of the program as I needed the serial code for it, which is something I no longer have. But I ended up getting it fixed, I downloaded a patch and was luckily able to get my work back without paying again for the program. I got my second project finished and continued working with my first one, it working way better now.

The turn out:

By the end of it, I was honestly so fed up with my ‘blue’ project, with the freezing and just the constant repeat of the song all got so annoying. But I got there eventually it eventually got finished, in all honesty.. I don’t like its turn out. I’m really not that happy with it, in the end I was just simply happy to have it rendered. My second project with these clips though, I’m really happy with its turn out. I just love the song, the simple effects and I love how it’s turned out.

Changes from the original plan:

My original plan was to do a video inspired by sawyer hartman and the shots he makes in his videos, but that didn’t actually end up happening, which I’m really disappointed about actually, sadly I never got to buy a drone and never got the shots I wanted. So I just stuck to colours and using TheSlowMoGuys channel for inspiration. Which I’m slightly disappointed about but I’m not 100% unhappy about the video.

My second video:

This is the song that I found and was inspired to use. I was going to do some research on it but I can’t really find all that much information. All I found out was that Babuchan is a Vocaloid song producer and that nearly all their songs are featuring Hatsune Miku who’s a famous humanoid persona voiced by a singing synthesizer application developed by  Crypton Future Media in Japan but sadly that’s it.

The videos: 

The quality of some clips became messed up but others went well which is better than nothing to be honest. Overall I’m pleased with the turn out of both of these, the second more than the first but at least I have both of them and they’re both on time.

Unit 8 – FMP – Props & Equipment

For all I want to do I need:

  • Powder paintpowder
  • A drum (preferably bass)BD22EMAD2_main
  • A fish tankMA00716_large
  • Ink
  • Pipettesfw_ink_group
  • Fire

For my work I shall be using my IPhone 6  as my camera as it comes with a slow motion option, still has a pretty good quality as well is highly convenient.

Unit 8 – FMP – Ideas

Right, so I know for this video I don’t personally wish to include people as I don’t want to rely on others to make this video happen. I want this video to be really influenced by colours, based off them really seeing as the song is called ‘Colors’. And seeing as the song says ‘everything is blue’ several times, blue is going to be my most featured colour.

I Youtubed my song to see how others had edited to it as that’s a very popular thing to do on Youtube and I found a couple of videos that I liked how they were.

First video (excuse some scenes if you do watch):

Even though this video includes people as it’s edited using different tv shows, films etc, I like how it’s stuck with the colouring of everything being blue. But the scenes I most like are the ones concerning the bird, the one starting at 0:06 and the statue at 0:19.


Second Video:

For this video I love how it’s already pretty much random but it works. I love how the creator included alice in wonderland cartoon film as well as real life people shots along with shots of nature.


Something I wish to do in my music video is use ink/food colouring in water and record the effect it does. The type of effect it makes are shown in the video below

As I said in my evaluation I was thinking about buying a drone so I could do shots like Sawyer Hartman does, but again as I said a good quality drone costs over £100 and some even £1000 for the best quality drones.


Due to it’s price I was looking at this drone, it’s description made it sound so good but after reading reviews it says how the camera is in fact around 640*480 format rather than HD like advertised. I’m still tempted to buy this as weather is getting better so it would be good timing to buy and use this for this project.

What I didn’t realise when I had the idea of buying this is that there are laws to go with buying and using drones due to one crashing into a plane in the past.

“you must avoid flying it within 150 metres of a congested area and 50 metres of a person, vessel, vehicle or structure not under the control of the pilot. and it must stay within site.” This doesn’t sound like a problem to me, so if I follow through with buying this there shouldn’t be an issue. What could possibly be an issue though is delivery, some reviews said they received the item quickly others say it took up to 6 weeks

If I were to include people somehow I have some ideas in mind these using black light, looking online I found a way to make my own black light rather than having to pay out for one

Whilst looking on Youtube I have also been pretty heavily inspired by TheSlowMoGuys and have chosen to recreate some of their experiments  as well as just use slow motion as a pretty main aspect to my project

Something I know I want to do is stick to the beats, now if I stick to every beat for a change purely relies on the amount of different clips I get and how those clips work out (their timings, what their of etc). Now I know there are 81 beats in the song and I don’t think I’m going to have 81 different clips but I think I may need 40/50 different clips at the least as some can be repeated but I do want a variety of clips.


Ideal locations:

Now I know some clips can be filmed from home, others I want to film at beaches such as Exmouth beach:


I wanna do other shots down by Exeter canal where I’ve also gotten some photography shots too, close to Double Locks:


(note: This post hasn’t just been made today, it has been made for around a week,maybe longer and each time I’ve thought of an idea I’ve just added more to it)

Unit 8 – FMP – Week 2 Evaluation

Sadly last week consisted of being in bed all week  ill and full of bad new family wise so not much actually got done.. therefore last weeks production schedule will follow onto this week for me to carry it on.

At the beginning of the week I started thinking of ideas and I was even researching drones and the laws behind them as well as prices of them due to be heavily inspired by my practitioner Sawyer Hartman, I’m still not 100% as to if I’m gonna buy one as the price of a good one is over £100, but I could get one for £50 if I wished for the quality to be not as good. But not sure yet.

So this week: 

16th may – 22nd may

week 2

Unit 8 – FMP – Week 1 Evaluation

Well this was my first week for this new project, within this week I’ve finished all my research which went pretty well actually, I was pleased with how it all went except for the jokesters responses on my survey. I got all the research I needed done done.And  I finished my second project proposal which is great. I’m pretty pleased with this week even though I haven’t gotten THAT much done, the start to this project is going smoothly, I’m just hoping things continue to go that way.

Although so far there is one difficulty, I know what song I’m doing the type of video I wish to do, I just don’t quite know WHAT I’m going to do in this video. I know I asked in my survey what people could imagine the video, but those answers weren’t all that helpful for me as  I didn’t really like those ideas all that much, apart from ‘exploding vibrant colours’. Many suggested I used dancers and people in the video as cool as that could be I don’t really wish to rely on other people as if that person can’t be then I’m stuck and with the time I have left I wouldn’t wish to rely on someone to make choreography for the video.

Again on the successful side though, I have gotten my song, chosen, cut and edited.

The original:

My edit:

How I edited it:

song pt 1song pt 2song pt 3song pt 4song pt 5


This week: 

9th May – 15th May

week 2.png

Unit 8 – FMP – Bibliography


“Halsey (Singer)”. Wikipedia. N.p., 2016. Web. 8 May 2016.

“Hartman, Sawyer. “Sawyer Hartman”. IMDb. N.p., 2016. Web. 8 May 2016.

“Home – Sawyer Hartman Films”. Sawyer Hartman Films. N.p., 2016. Web. 8 May 2016.

“Sawyer Hartman”. Wikitubia. N.p., 2016. Web. 8 May 2016.

“The Most Amazing Day Of My Entire Life”. YouTube. N.p., 2016. Web. 8 May 2016.

Unit 8 – FMP – Research

Practitioner – Sawyer Hartman

Sawyer Hartman is a YouTuber which has not so recently in his career also became a writer and director. Why I’ve chosen him as my practitioner even though he doesn’t do music videos as his job (even though he has  within the last 3 weeks on his channel he’s started his own personal project where  he makes a cinematic video/vlog of his travels (I believe he aims to do this for the year, until his next birthday like he said).

maxresdefault.jpgSawyer’s channel has active since November 2010 and now has over 120 videos along with over a million subscribers which are quickly climbing to two million. He’s now most famous for his ‘thru my eyes’ videos, these are videos of nature/a place made in a smooth cinematic fashion.

He has a website which is basically simply his online portfolio, this consists of 9 films, 1 music video and 11 thru my eyes videos

According to his videos the equipment he uses are: a Sony rx100, Canon 70d, IPhone 6s
& a DJI Phantom 4 Drone with a Go Pro Hero 4 Black Edition

Artist of music – Halsey

tumblr_o2cmpemQcR1ur16d5o1_500.pngHalsey is an American 21 year old singer song writer in the electro pop music genre who has been in the music industry since 2014. Halsey – real name Ashley Nicolette Frangipane grown up with music, she played the violin, viola and cella but since the age of 14 she moved onto acoustic guitar.

Halsey started her career on Youtube posting covers on an account using her real name, but sadly has since deleted and cleared the channel.


In 2014 she recorded and posted a song called Ghost which she posted on SoundCloud,this gained Halsey attention which got her signed with the Astralwerks record label.

Halsey is described as an electropop artists. Growing up she listened to a mixture of both her parents music tastes, her fathers – 2Pac, The Notorious B.I.G, her mothers – The Cure, Nirvana, she has gone on to say that she believe that bands like them have influenced her as a musician and her style.

She has won no awards yet but has been nominated for:

  • MTV Europe Music Awards – Artist on the rise
  • People’s Choice Awards – Favourite breakout artist
  • NME Awards – Best New Artist

She has worked with artists and bands such as:

  • Imagine Dragons
  • The Weeknd
  • Justin Bieber
  • Young Rising Sons
  • The Kooks


Target Audience


Age – Teen/Young Adult

Gender – Girls, (feminine) guys

Sexuality – Any. Halsey herself identifies as bi(sexual), that doesn’t exactly have anything to do with her music, maybe a few of her music videos but her music so far hasn’t been directed as a specific sexuality

Location: World wide, when I researched the album which the song I’ve chosen is on, it shown me charts from the countries which this album ranked at. This list of countries when from Australia to Ireland to America.

Social class I believe doesn’t come into this as it mainly just has to do with who’s interested in it. I believe that any social class could actually be interested.

My own research:

As a part of my own primary research I went onto SurveyMonkey and devised my own survey that I’d try posting around on the internet on social medias for a small amount of time to get responses from random people. Now this was a good and bad choice. Good because it was anonymous and bad for that same reason, plus it’s the people of the internet so there were several very unhelpful answers, but a good few helpful ones too. I didn’t leave the survey up for too long after I started getting stupid answers from the jokesters so sadly I only got limited responses.

These were the questions that had to be answered:

quizquiz 2

I only did 7 questions as it was surprisingly hard to think of questions for one but I also wanted people to answer and if I put too many questions people would become uninterested and put unhelpful answers to me (even though they did that any ways).

The results

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Research Evaluation:

On a whole my research wasn’t actually all that helpful for anything as I more so went with my ideas and inspirations rather than my research. If I went through with my idea of using a drone then my research for Sawyer Hartman would have been helpful but sadly I didn’t have a money for one so never went with it. In all honesty Sawyers shots from his videos were still an inspiration but they didn’t contribute all that much to my final product. Something that was helpful concerning my research on him was the fact of that he uses his iPhone for some of his work, and looking at his work I couldn’t notice when he was using it due to now how great of quality the iPhone camera is, so all of my work was filmed on my iPhone because it was convenient, I knew how to use it and it was quick and simple for me.

My research on Halsey wasn’t useful as my music video didn’t have a storyline. It was just quite ‘random’ clips. Same for my target audience research, it didn’t exactly apply at all.

The only reason my research was actually helpful was because I got to see if people actually liked the song or not, which is obviously really important when making a music video.

Unit 8 – FMP – Project Proposal (Take

As I have already written out a project proposal and truthfully typing hurts, I’m gonna base this second project proposal off the first one. So I’m gonna either flat out copy and paste or alter some words.


Throughout the last few months I’ve learnt several skills and a lot of information about the media industry  and people in it. Whilst learning I’ve had the opportunity to play each role in groups as well as obviously my individual projects. I’ve had the chance to be the researcher, the editor, the director, storyboard artist, camera operator/photographer, script writer etc. I have developed skills within a team and skills to do with my own initiative when I’m having to work alone and without others to rely on.

Due to that I’ve worked alone on plenty of work now, I’m pretty prepared for this task.

Whilst on this course I have gotten to build skills on the computer and with the equipment available. I’ve gotten to work a bit on Final Cut Pro and Photoshop during college time and then built on my skills on Sony Vegas when I’m at home and still need to do editing.

Project Concept 

In this project I want to achieve what I couldn’t in my Tell A Story project. I want to get a proper music video actually made and completed rather than only having all of the planning and research done. This time I want a proper piece of work to show off instead of a story board music video.

This time I’ve chosen the same artist as for Tell A Story – Halsey, choosing her song colors pt 2 this time though.

My aim for this project is to make a completed experiential music video which I am going to be proud of at the end and more than happy to show off.

I believe my target audience is gonna be the same as before so I’m going to check out my target audience research from before and hopefully going to try to add to that.

Beneficial research:

  • practitioner – work, training, awards, reviews
  • topic/subject – conventions, styles
  • technical issues
  • budgeting – BECTU rates
  • target audience – questionnaires, look at audience/research blog posts.
  • Halsey


I will evaluate my work by making a blog post. These blog posts will be made every other week/weekly (depending on amount done in the week) showing my progress and how the project is going for me. Each blog post will consist of what I’ve done that week along with if there are any changes from the previous week. At the very end I will make a final blog post after all others, one to finish off this whole project. This will be my final evaluation of the project and this will cover not only my last week and final product but how I feel the project has gone from the beginning

Production Schedule/ Action Plan

week 1.png

Here’s my first week of this new project

Research Sources/ Bibliography 


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